April 12, 2011

Mod Podge Letters

Ok, so these letters are super quick, easy, and cheap.  These can also be easily made to match the decor and color scheme of any room in your home.  I initially bought the plain unfinished (the cheapest) wooden letters.  I then went to good old Hobby Lobby, with my daughters comforter, and bought various designs of scrapbook paper that matched with the colors, Ink chalk pads, and ribbon.  Once home, I:

1. Decided which order I wanted the papers to be in
2. Traced the letters onto the back of the appropriate paper
3. Cut the letters out of the paper
4. Covered the wooden letters in Mod Podge and carefully placed the paper letters over top of them
5. I used Ink Chalk pads around the edges (to give a more worn feel to them)
6. I mod Podged over the finished letters, and allowed them to dry
7. Attach your ribbon of choice to the back of the letters (the ribbon may need to be attached slightly off                                    center to allow the letters to hang straight. If you look at my "L" you will see what I mean.)
8. Hang and enjoy

Here is the Finished product~

You can also do a multi pattern letter, which I will explain and show very soon.  Actually, the only reason I don't right now is because I am too lazy to go and take a picture of it at the moment :)

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